Agency & TOBA Management – Solutions Capital CFD
Agency & TOBA Management

The Agency and TOBA Management team can remove a significant administrative and regulatory burden from your business by managing all of your agencies on your behalf.

The team works diligently to implement and maintain compliant Terms of Business Agreements (TOBAs), and have used their strong relationships with insurers to negotiate a condensed application process, speeding things up for you.

We look after your risks

Because the TOBAs have been set up by Broker Network, you can be assured that the content is compliant with the requirements of the FCA Client Asset Sourcebook (CASS), including the risk transfer status,

banking requirements, commission transfer and credit terms.

Our service includes a regular risk assessment of the financial stability and security of the markets where TOBAs are in place, ensuring you can consider any potential impact on your customers when recommending an insurance provider. If we identify any markets that have had changes to their FCA authorisation or pose a financial risk, we will notify you and offer advice on the best course of action so that you’re always prepared.

To explore further, current Members, please visit the Hub. Alternatively, if you are not already part of the Network, please follow the link below to learn more.